Explaining jQuery Attributes in Detail

By Maulik Paghdal

09 Dec, 2024

Explaining jQuery Attributes in Detail


jQuery, a lightweight JavaScript library, simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, and manipulation. Among its many powerful features, attribute manipulation stands out, allowing developers to dynamically read, modify, and remove HTML element attributes. In this blog, we'll explore the key jQuery methods for working with attributes in detail, supported by examples.

1. What Are Attributes in HTML?

Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. Common examples include:

  • id and class for identification and styling.
  • src for image sources.
  • href for links.


<a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">Visit Example</a>

In this anchor tag, href and target are attributes.

2. Getting and Setting Attributes with jQuery

attr() Method

  • Purpose: Get or set the value of an attribute.
  • Syntax:
    • $(selector).attr(attributeName) - Get the value.
    • $(selector).attr(attributeName, value) - Set a new value.

Example: Getting Attribute Value

<img id="myImage" src="image.jpg" alt="Sample Image">
  const srcValue = $('#myImage').attr('src');
  console.log(srcValue); // Outputs: "image.jpg"

Example: Setting Attribute Value

<img id="myImage" src="image.jpg" alt="Sample Image">
  $('#myImage').attr('src', 'new-image.jpg');

3. Removing Attributes

removeAttr() Method

  • Purpose: Removes an attribute from the selected element(s).
  • Syntax: $(selector).removeAttr(attributeName)


<input type="text" id="username" disabled>

The disabled attribute is removed, enabling the input field.

4. Using prop() for Properties

While attr() deals with attributes, prop() handles DOM properties, which are often tied to the state of an element.

Difference Between attr() and prop()

  • attr() modifies the HTML attribute itself.
  • prop() modifies the DOM property (runtime behavior).


<input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" checked>
  console.log($('#subscribe').prop('checked')); // true
  $('#subscribe').prop('checked', false); // Uncheck the box

5. Working with Data Attributes

HTML5 introduced data-* attributes to store custom data in elements. jQuery makes it easy to work with these using the data() method.


<div id="product" data-id="101" data-name="Laptop">Product Info</div>
  const productId = $('#product').data('id');
  console.log(productId); // Outputs: 101

  $('#product').data('id', 202); // Update the data-id

6. Dynamic Manipulation of Attributes

Combine jQuery methods to perform dynamic operations.

Example: Toggle an Attribute

<button id="toggleButton">Toggle</button>
<input type="text" id="textInput" disabled>
  $('#toggleButton').on('click', function() {
    const input = $('#textInput');
    if (input.attr('disabled')) {
    } else {
      input.attr('disabled', 'disabled');

7. Real-World Use Cases

a. Form Validation

Disable or enable form buttons dynamically.

<input type="text" id="email">
<button id="submitBtn" disabled>Submit</button>
  $('#email').on('input', function() {
    const isEmpty = !$(this).val();
    $('#submitBtn').attr('disabled', isEmpty);

b. Dynamic Image Galleries

Change the src of an image based on user input.

<img id="displayImage" src="default.jpg" alt="Gallery">
<button data-src="image1.jpg">Image 1</button>
<button data-src="image2.jpg">Image 2</button>
  $('button').on('click', function() {
    const newSrc = $(this).data('src');
    $('#displayImage').attr('src', newSrc);


jQuery's attribute manipulation methods, such as attr(), removeAttr(), and prop(), offer a seamless way to interact with HTML elements. Understanding these tools not only simplifies your coding process but also unlocks dynamic possibilities for creating interactive web applications. Try these examples to explore the potential of jQuery in your projects!