Organizing SASS Files: A Modular Approach to CSS

By Maulik Paghdal

11 Dec, 2024

Organizing SASS Files: A Modular Approach to CSS


SASS is a powerful preprocessor that enhances CSS with features like variables, nesting, and mixins. However, as your project grows, organizing your SASS files becomes crucial to maintain readability and scalability. A modular approach can help you structure your files effectively.

In this blog, we'll explore the best practices for organizing SASS files.

1. The 7-1 Pattern: A Common Structure

The 7-1 pattern is a popular way to organize SASS files. It involves splitting files into seven folders and one main file to import everything.

Folder Structure

    ├── styles/               
        ├──── abstracts/            
        ├────  base/            
        ├────  components/            
        ├────  layout/            
        ├────  pages/           
        ├────  themes/            
        ├────  vendors/             
        ├────  .main.scss

Explanation of Folders

  • abstracts/: For variables, functions, and mixins.
  • base/: For resets and global styles.
  • components/: For buttons, cards, and other reusable components.
  • layout/: For grid systems, headers, and footers.
  • pages/: For page-specific styles.
  • themes/: For theme-specific variables or overrides.
  • vendors/: For third-party libraries.

2. Using Variables and Mixins for Consistency

Store reusable values and logic in the abstracts folder.

Example: _variables.scss

// abstracts/_variables.scss

$primary-color: #3498db;
$secondary-color: #2ecc71;
$font-stack: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

Example: _mixins.scss

// abstracts/_mixins.scss

@mixin center-flex {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

3. Organizing Component-Specific Styles

Each component should have its own SASS file for modularity.

Example: _button.scss

// components/_button.scss

.button {
  @include center-flex;
  background-color: $primary-color;
  border: none;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  color: white;
  cursor: pointer;

4. Importing Files into main.scss

The main.scss file imports all other SASS files, making it the single entry point.

Example: main.scss

@import 'abstracts/variables';
@import 'abstracts/mixins';
@import 'base/reset';
@import 'components/button';
@import 'layout/header';
@import 'pages/home';

Benefit: Keeps your styles organized and avoids duplication.

5. Advantages of a Modular Approach

  • Scalability: Easy to manage styles as the project grows.
  • Reusability: Share components and utilities across different projects.
  • Readability: Clear separation of concerns makes it easier to navigate the codebase.


Adopting a modular approach to organize SASS files ensures your CSS remains maintainable and scalable. By leveraging the 7-1 pattern, using variables and mixins, and separating concerns, you can create a clean and efficient stylesheet architecture for your projects.

Start structuring your SASS files today to save time and reduce complexity in your CSS!